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Synamics Therapeutics is an end-to-end AI-powered drug discovery company

We are pioneering the establishment of Adaptive Medicine – the next generation of precision medicine. 

Our Approach

We predict and utilize patient genetic variability and disease evolution to anticipate resistance mechanisms and treatment effects

What makes us unique


Every facet of our scientific research, development endeavours, and commercial strategies are laser-focused on maximizing the likelihood of breakthrough treatments.

Genuine Patient Focus

Our commitment to patient-centricity goes beyond mere words. We've centered our adaptive design around the patient, ensuring that their journey and reality are intrinsically embedded within our technology. 

Disease-First Architecture

We prioritize a disease-first methodology. Recognizing each disease's uniqueness, we tailor our solutions to enable precise yet adaptive drugs with high impact.

Our Mission


At Synamics, we are utilizing advanced computational and AI/ML techniques to create a meaningful impact on the lives of patients. Our mission is to transform precision medicine through an AI-powered adaptive drug design.

To unlock AI's full potential in novel adaptive drug design in order to redefine lives with tailored treatment options.


Our Vision

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